DMW warns public vs ‘Final Notice and Limited Slots for Deployment’ scam

Month: February 2020

Mercan Canada Employment Philippines. Inc.

Program delivery update: Permanent resident status and determination

February 5, 2020 These instructions were developed to provide detailed instructions and guidance on permanent resident status determinations. They outline the most current policy and procedures when assessing applications for permanent resident determination within and outside of Canada, in addition to several officer considerations, including departmental policy definitions further evaluation required factors to consider when…
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Learning moments – Misrepresentation under A40

Brought to you week by week by Chantal Desloges and her fabulous team. Hello, fellow practitioners! Today’s column deals with misrepresentation under s.40 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). We have dealt with misrepresentation a number of times in previous columns. However, lately I have come across a number of instances where clients…
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